A bill too far — HB 139 is an embarrassment to Idahoans

Lucas Longacre
2 min readFeb 27, 2023


It has finally happened. I’ve reached my breaking point. Reading HB 139 has knocked me out of my apathetic stance to Idaho’s abhorrent politics.

Since relocating to Star, ID after losing all of my work because of the pandemic, I’ve kept my head down and focused on my internet startup. I kept telling myself that once I was making money again - and I can afford to spend time and energy on the community around me - I will engage with people who see me as an outsider and an enemy. After all, I am a progressive east coast Jew who found himself living with his in-laws in one of the reddest states of the Union.

Two years later I can’t stand idly by. Do yourself a favor and read HB 139 in its entirety. Here is an exciting excerpt:

From reading the opening paragraph you’d think our libraries are awash in pornography and BDSM material. What kind of sick weirdo considers this a reality? My experience with the libraries in Idaho is that they struggle for resources and books.

With a library card you get access to millions of downloadable books & audiobooks.

I love the Libby app. I typically load my audiobooks up with history books and contemporary fiction. Moving from Multnomah County Oregon to Canyon County Idaho, I noticed a stark drop off in available books - not just the number of available copies to borrow but the book selection as well. That seems to be a bigger crisis; Idahoan children do not have the same access to knowledge and education as other states.

I have one question for the parents who think HB 139 is a good idea: if you are worried about kids being exposed to prurient material, have you heard of a thing called “the internet”?

This bill smacks of over-controlling parents who are too lazy and uptight to engage their children on their level. Kids checking out books to read under the supervision of trained librarians and engaged parents is the best way to help them navigate their education and growth.

If you are as disgusted as me, make sure to click on this link to The Idaho 97 Project and leave a comment to your legislators.

Whether my internet startup makes money or not, Idaho just got another engaged liberal.



Lucas Longacre

Co-Founder Mebot.ai, Indie Filmmaker, VR 180 Video Producer, Documentarian, Writer and Podcast Host. @lukonianlogic.